How to master the eCommerce conversion channel?

Before you will optimize each of the marketing tactics, you need to comprehend with the marketing budget, business goals, and how the channels will work together.

The eCommerce marketing/advertising funnels:


The top-of-channel (or brand awareness) advertising efforts reach the customers who had never seen the products before. They possibly will not purchase right away. Prospecting plans include paid and the organic social media, post and display advertising. It has the end goals like email sign-ups, impressions, social followers and web traffic.


The moment the user warms up to the brand, they are more likely to create the purchase, so you may implement bottom-of- marketing funnel strategies. It includes pay per click promotion of brands (PPC), abandoned cart emails and retargeting campaigns. These bottom-of-marketing funnel plans are for the users who are looking for the brand on Google, who have visited your site already or added the products into their cart. The goal here is by generating the sales.

The brand PPC or pay per click advertising efforts already identifies the brand name and wanted to visit the site – it can be direct traffic too. The brand keywords can always have the stronger ROI, since the searcher is aware enough about you in searching for the particular brand name. You must own these product terms and maintained a position on the SEM or search engine marketing tools.
The non-brand terms may always have the lower ROI, since the customers are still looking for the products, will have never perceived or the brand, or are strolling around and viewing the competitors. It is that significant to bid on most of these terms when you are searching to become competitive in the advertisement, but still maintaining the position of a better strategy.

Be sure to execute retargeting efforts on mutual social media accounts. Facebook retargeting will include DPAs or Dynamic Product Ads which advertise the appropriate goods that the users viewed on the site in the scrolling carousel set-up, from their browsing record. In addition, by implementing diverse duration windows you will target customers who are viewing your products or 180 days right after viewing them.

By using the social media power editor, the bid higher on the shorter period windows and lesser on longer period windows. The same holds with the other social media. Separate the retargeting customers through duration window to enhance the bidding strategies and the ROAS or return on ads spend. Furthermore, by implementing, testing and offering discounts for some retargeting customer, you can see when the discount messaging provides you with the stronger investment in return.


The repeat purchase rate will measure the percentages of the customers who are coming back and making another purchase. The major marketing techniques to target the customer base include retargeting, social media campaigns and emails which are only targeting the past purchasers. With the Facebook Ads and the email marketing services being tied to the eCommerce platform, you may then create particular campaigns just for the users who had previously purchased from you. It can still be promoted in its nature, offers VIP discounts, and let them feel that they are special!



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